The Benefits of Organic Hair Dyes

Why are organic hair dyes becoming more and more popular worldwide?
Why more and more people give up chemical hair dyes?

Organic hair dyes are becoming more and more popular. We hear so often about organic hair dyes, i.e. natural hair dyes.

Why is it so important to avoid chemicals? 

Human skin is the largest human organ and it is our second mouth. Whatever we put into our mouth we should put on our skin too: cucumber juice, lemon juice, potato juice, carrot juice, celery juice, spinach juice, garlic juice, water, etc. The list is endless...

Natural hair colorants such as Henna, Buxus, Indigo or Cassia can safely be used to enhance or change your hair color or just to keep your hair healthy. Such colorants are plant powders, therefore they are harmless. More...

How to Make Oganic Black Hair Color

How to Make Organic Brown Hair Color

About Organic Hair Dyes

About Chemical Hair Dyes

Natural Organic Hair Care Tips: Foods that Promote Hair Growth

About black tea