What is Organic

'Organic' Terminology

How do we understand the word "organic?" Do producers understand this word in the same way as we do?

When buying 'organic food' that is good for our hair and health, in general, we should look at the following USDA regulated terms on food labels:

What does it mean when we read 'explanation' of organic?

"100% organic" means that the food has no synthetic ingredients and can use the organic seal.

"Organic" means that the food has a minimum of 95% organic ingredients. It can also use the organic seal.

"Made with organic ingredients" means that the food must contain at least 70% organic ingredients. These foods cannot use the seal.

Meat, eggs, poultry, and dairy labeled "organic" must come from animals that have never received antibiotics or growth hormones. They are not genetically modified.

It is useful to know that standards for organic seafood, cosmetics and hair care products have not been set in most countries.

Source: http://www.webmd.com

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